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Procedural File: XAO_DomXsl.php

Source Location: Program_Root/XAO_DomXsl.php

Page Details


This script facilitates programatic creation of XSLT templates. This may be used to dynamically generate the GUI at runtime. For whatever reason, the display logic may benefit from this dynamism over selecting from a list of different stylesheet. This is a very advanced feature and is not intended for use by casual users.

Filesource:  Source Code for this file
Class Description
DomXsl XSL Stylesheet as a DomDoc object
include_once ("XAO_DomDoc.php") [line 20]

Import the basic DomDoc class for inheritance.

This class is based on DomDoc and hence supports all of it's functionality, including it's ability to be consumed by another DomDoc based object.

Information Tags:
Import:  DomDoc
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Documentation generated on Tue, 23 Sep 2003 18:34:01 +1000 by phpDocumentor 1.2.2