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Procedural File: XAO_DomFactory.php

Source Location: Program_Root/XAO_DomFactory.php

Page Details


This script provides the class definition for DomFactory - a class which is used to safely return DOM XML objects.

Filesource:  Source Code for this file
License:  LGPL
Copyright:  Terence Kearns 2003
Version:  0.2
Author:  Terence Kearns
Class Description
DomFactory Quick XML Parser and Debugger
include_once ("XAO_XaoRoot.php") [line 26]

Import the root (base) XAO class.

All classes in the XAO library should have this class at the top of their inheritance tree. See documentation on the class itself for more details. Including the following DomDoc class will automatically include the XaoRoot definition, however, it is included here for clarity and completeness.

Information Tags:
Import:  XaoRoot
[ Top ]

include_once ("XAO_TextDebugger.php") [line 37]

Import the text debugging facility.

This class provides an HTML output facility for displaying a portion of text with one line highlighted. It is used by DomFactory when it throws an exception.

Information Tags:
Import:  TextDebugger
[ Top ]

Documentation generated on Tue, 23 Sep 2003 18:33:59 +1000 by phpDocumentor 1.2.2