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Class: XaoRoot

Source Location: Program_Root/XAO_XaoRoot.php

Class XaoRoot

Class Overview

Base class from which all XAO classes are inherited,

This class is previded mainly for the purposes of centralisation so that any properties and methods required by all classes in the framework, can easily be added at this one central point. It provides crude error handling capabilties which are extended for content-based classes.

Located in Program_Root/XAO_XaoRoot.php [line 47]




[ Top ]
Direct descendents
Child Class Description
CacheMan Cache Manager class
DomDoc General purpose DOM class
DomFactory Quick XML Parser and Debugger
Exceptions Utility for managing massages relating to exceptional conditions (errors)
RpcClient Remote procedure call client for XML RPC.
RpcController Remote procedure call responder for XML RPC.
Transformer Utility performing XSLT transformations

[ Top ]
Property Summary
array   $arrCacheParams   Paramters used to cache work done by the class.
string   $fncErrCallbackFunc   Name of user-defined callback function to handle all errors.
string   $idXaoNamespace   XAO XML Namespace Identifier
mixed   $strDebugData  
array   $strError   All error information is kept here
string   $strXaoNamespacePrefix   XAO XML Namespace Prefix

[ Top ]
Method Summary
void   arrSetErrFnc()  
void   blnTestSafeName()  
void   Throw()   Generic/default error handler.

[ Top ]
array   $arrCacheParams = array() [line 118]

Paramters used to cache work done by the class.

This is an associative array with three different types of potential keys: 1) "key" - the cache key 2) "ttl" - time to live (seconds). 3) "exp" - a unix timestamp when when the object expires To use the cache, "key" is required. In addition, either "ttl" or "exp" need to be populated. This array is passed to the contructor of the CacheMan class for further action. see documentation in CacheMan for more information.

API Tags:
Access:  public

[ Top ]
string   $fncErrCallbackFunc = "" [line 100]

Name of user-defined callback function to handle all errors.

The user must then define a member function using the name specified in this string variable. The function must implement the signature like so function myHardErrorChucker($strMsg,$intLevel,$strCode) {...} assuming they did $this->strErrCallbackFunc = "myHardErrorChucker"; in their child class constructor. Suggest checking out the source code for $this->Throw(); The idea behind this facility is that you do not need to override Throw() in order to implement custom logging etc.

API Tags:
Access:  public

[ Top ]
string   $idXaoNamespace = "" [line 57]

XAO XML Namespace Identifier

This is used to separate XAO generated XML data from the user's XML data.

API Tags:
Access:  public

[ Top ]
mixed   $strDebugData [line 70]

[ Top ]
array   $strError [line 83]

All error information is kept here

This is usually populated by the class which overrides the $Throw() method. It's worth checking out the way DomDoc overrides this, any class that inherits DomDoc (and there are a lot of them) will obviously use it's version.

API Tags:
Access:  public

[ Top ]
string   $strXaoNamespacePrefix = "xao" [line 68]

XAO XML Namespace Prefix

This is an arbitary string whos default is set here. If the users wishes to change it, they need to do so before the DomDoc constructor is called.

API Tags:
Access:  public

[ Top ]
arrSetErrFnc  [line 164]

  void arrSetErrFnc( mixed $fcnCurrent, mixed $intLine  )

[ Top ]
blnTestSafeName  [line 171]

  void blnTestSafeName( mixed $strSubject  )

[ Top ]
Throw  [line 138]

  void Throw( string $strErrMsg, [array $arrAttribs = null]  )

Generic/default error handler.

This is an associative array with three different types of potential keys: 1) "key" - the cache key 2) "ttl" - time to live (seconds). 3) "exp" - a unix timestamp when when the object expires To use the cache, "key" is required. In addition, either "ttl" or "exp" need to be populated. This array is passed to the contructor of the CacheMan class for further action. see documentation in CacheMan for more information.

string   $strErrMsg:  user-defined error message
array   $arrAttribs:  hash list of metadata to provide supportive context

API Tags:
Access:  public

Redefined in descendants as:

[ Top ]

Documentation generated on Tue, 23 Sep 2003 18:34:11 +1000 by phpDocumentor 1.2.2