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Procedural File: XAO_DomDoc.php

Source Location: Program_Root/XAO_DomDoc.php

Page Details


This script provides the class definition for DomDoc. Since the DomDoc class provides the basis for XAO, all the requirements checks for XAO are done first up in this script. In general, however, all the code in XAO is object oriented. For more information on the DomDoc class itself, see the doc comment directly preceding the class declaration.

Filesource:  Source Code for this file
License:  LGPL
Copyright:  Terence Kearns 2003
Version:  1.0 alpha
Author:  Terence Kearns
Class Description
DomDoc General purpose DOM class
include_once ("XAO_XaoRoot.php") [line 28]

Import the root (base) XAO class.

All classes in the XAO library should inherit this class. See documentation on the class itself for more details.

Information Tags:
Import:  XaoRoot
[ Top ]

include_once ("XAO_Exceptions.php") [line 39]

Import the Exceptions utility class.

This is only instantiated if $this->Throw() is called. This object encapsulates error data management. It keeps all the error data on the referenced DOM doc rather than an internal stack.

Information Tags:
Import:  Exceptions
[ Top ]

include_once ("XAO_DomFactory.php") [line 50]

Import Dom Factory for parsing/obtaining DOM objects.

This is a general purpose class providing comprehensive parsing options when obtaining DOM object. Using this class provides centralised DOM object management across the whole library.

Information Tags:
Import:  Exceptions
[ Top ]

XAO_DOC_DATA  [line 88]


Dom document from existing XML data in a variable.

This constant represents a mode of the DomDoc which causes it to use existing XML data as the basis for a new DomDoc object. Obviously the XML data needs to be well-formed.

[ Top ]

XAO_DOC_NEW  [line 59]


New dom document from from scratch

This constant represents a mode of the DomDoc which causes it to create a new document on instatiation - using the starter as the name of the root element for the new document.

[ Top ]



Dom document from local file for reading only.

This constant represents a mode of the DomDoc which causes it to use an existing XML file as the basis of the DomDoc document on instatiation - using the starter to determin the location of the local file. It treats the file as read-only so none of the write methods will work. It uses a non-exclusive read lock when opening the file.

[ Top ]



Dom document from existing PHP DOM object instance.

This constant represents a mode of the DomDoc which causes it to use an existing PHP DOM XML object instance for this DomDoc instance. This has the effect of adding functionality from this class to an existing DOM object.

[ Top ]

Documentation generated on Tue, 23 Sep 2003 18:33:56 +1000 by phpDocumentor 1.2.2