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Source for file XAO_AppDoc.php

Documentation is available at XAO_AppDoc.php

1 <?php
2 /**
3 * XAO_AppDoc.php
4 *
5 * This script provides the class definition for AppDoc. AppDoc
6 * creates the framework for XAO to be used in framwork mode. AppDoc inherits
7 * DomDoc and AppDoc is intended to be inherited by the end user
8 * - to provide the
9 * user with an "Application Object" that is customised by them. See the doc
10 * comments directly preceeding the class declaration for more information.
11 * It is advisable to consult the tutorials shipped with XAO to obtain an
12 * understanding of how this class is to be used.
13 *
14 * @author Terence Kearns
15 * @version 1.0 alpha
16 * @copyright Terence Kearns 2003
17 * @license LGPL (see )
18 * @link
19 * @package XAO
20 * @see class DomDoc
21 */
23 /**
24 * Import XAO base class - DomDoc
25 *
26 * The AppDoc framework is extends DomDoc which extends XaoRoot.
27 *
28 * @import Transformer
30 */
31 include_once "XAO_DomDoc.php";
33 /**
34 * Import Transformer class for use by association
35 *
36 * This class encapsulates all XSLT functionality.
37 *
38 * @import Transformer
39 */
40 include_once "XAO_Transformer.php";
42 /**
43 * XML Application Object
44 *
45 * AppDoc is the "Application Object" part of the XAO acronym. It represents the
46 * "Application Document" in the context of XML being a document. So the contents
47 * delivered to the user by the "Application" is contentained in the "Document"
48 * held as a DOM XML document by AppDoc::objDoc. the objDoc property is inherited
49 * from the DomDoc class. The AppDoc class provides extra functionality on
50 * DomDoc that is specifically needed for typical "framework mode" usage of XAO.
51 * Usage of this class assumes that the user will be employing XAO in framework
52 * mode. In short, this is the framework class for XAO. It is advisable to
53 * consult the tutorials shipped with XAO to obtain an understanding of how this
54 * class is intended to be used.
55 *
56 * @package XAO
57 */
58 class AppDoc extends DomDoc {
60 /**
61 * Cache parameters for the XSLT tranformation result
62 *
63 * In the standard XAO framework, caching can be done at two stages. The
64 * first is at the content generation stage which uses $arrDocCacheParams,
65 * the second is at the transformation results stage which uses this array.
66 * The array has the same requirements and is used in exactly the same way
67 * as the $arrDocCacheParams array. It is passed to the Transformer class
68 * (by $this->Transform method) which then uses CacheMan to implement it.
69 * Also see doc comments at XaoRoot::arrCacheParams for more info.
70 *
71 * @access public
72 * @var array
73 */
74 var $arrXsltCacheParams = array();
76 /**
77 * Stylesheet parameters
78 *
79 * See documentation in the Transformer class on the variable with the
80 * same name.
81 *
82 * @access public
83 * @var array
84 */
85 var $arrXslParams = array();
87 /**
88 * Storage slot for alternative payload
89 *
90 * If this variable is populated, then this is all that is sent to the UA
91 * via the AppDoc::Send method. If it is left empty, then the AppDoc::Send
92 * method will send the serialised content of DomDoc::objDoc
93 * This method is provided as a method of short-circuiting the default
94 * behavior of AppDocc::Send - thereby allowing AppDoc::Send to be the
95 * single/only way for which the payload is transmitted. This is very
96 * important because it allows XAO framework to sentralise control script
97 * completion and payload transmission.
98 * An example of where an alternate payload is needed is an XSLT
99 * transformation result. Other instances, where the well-formedness of a
100 * payload cannot be garenteed, will also require the use of this string
101 * variable.
102 *
103 * @access public
104 * @var string
105 */
106 var $strAltPayload = false;
108 /**
109 * Debug data used when $this->blnDebug option is set to true
110 *
111 * This variable will contain extra diagnostic information as well as
112 * standard errors under certain circumstances. It is only outputted if
113 * $this->blnDebug is set.
114 *
115 * @access private
116 * @var string
117 */
118 var $_strDebugData;
120 /**
121 * Force client-side XSL Transformation attempt.
122 *
123 * This causes the TransformSend() method to bypass server-side
124 * transformation and send the source document directly to the client. If
125 * the stylsheet PI is set, then the client should find it and perform it's
126 * own transformation.
127 *
128 * @access public
129 * @var boolean
130 */
131 var $blnClientSideTransform = false;
133 /**
134 * Dedicated Error output display template
135 *
136 * Under certain conditions, the availability of a dedicated error template
137 * will cause an exceptional condition to output the error DOM object (with
138 * all it's errors so far) using the same rules as $this->Send(). An example
139 * is the Transform object which uses it when $this->blnDebug is turned off.
140 * If no dedicated error stylsheet is supplied, then it behaves differently.
141 * It is empty by default in case it proposes any security issues.
142 *
143 * @access public
144 * @var uri
145 */
146 var $uriErrorStyle;
148 /**
149 * Internal error style for debug output
150 *
151 * When $this->blnDebug is enabled, then the error document is appended
152 * using this a transformation with this error stylsheet. THIS IS NOT
154 *
155 * @access private
156 * @var uri
157 */
158 var $_uriXaoErrorStyle = "XAO_errors.xsl";
160 /**
161 * Debug option
162 *
163 * Designed to be used during development, this object will cause error
164 * output to be more verbose unser certain conditions. It may also be used
165 * by the developer to output diagnostic information at run-time. It is kept
166 * off by default in case it proposes any security issues.
167 *
168 * @access public
169 * @var boolean
170 */
171 var $blnDebug = false;
173 /**
174 * Debug option
175 *
176 * Designed to be used during development, this object will cause error
177 * output to be more verbose unser certain conditions. It may also be used
178 * by the developer to output diagnostic information at run-time. It is kept
179 * off by default in case it proposes any security issues.
180 *
181 * @access public
182 * @var boolean
183 */
184 var $strForceContentType;
186 /**
187 * Current stylesheet URI
188 *
189 * This represents the current stylesheet that is used by this DomDoc.
190 * If a user overrides the $_uriStyleSheet member variable with a populated
191 * version, this->ndSetStylePI() is called with it in the contructor.
192 *
193 * @access private
194 * @var uri
195 */
196 var $_uriStyleSheet;
198 /**
199 * Stylesheet processing instruction node
200 *
201 * This is the node object representing the stylesheet PI. It is set using
202 * the ndSetStylePI() method which only matains one PI node for the
203 * stylesheet. If a user overrides the $_uriStyleSheet member variable with
204 * a populated version, this ndSetStylePI() is called with it in the
205 * contructor.
206 *
207 * @access public
208 * @var node
209 */
210 var $ndStylePi;
212 /**
213 * Which XSLT processor to use
214 *
215 * This option allows the user to choose which implemented XSLT processor
216 * to employ. At this stage, possible choices are:
217 * - SABLOTRON which uses the xslt_ functions built into PHP.
218 * - DOMXML which uses the experimental transformation capabilities of the
219 * native PHP domxml extension itself.
220 * Future implementations could use external procesors which may be Java,
221 * Com, or command-line executables.
222 *
223 * @access public
224 * @var string
225 */
226 var $strXsltProcessor = "DOMXML";
228 /**
229 * Stylesheet native PHP DOM XML object
230 *
231 * This variable is populated if the specified stylsheet is successfully
232 * opened as an XML document.
233 *
234 * @access public
235 * @var object
236 */
237 var $objXsl;
239 /**
240 * AppDoc constructor
241 *
242 * This method runs the parent constructor and sets up the xao namespace.
243 * There is no way to detect if a namespace declaration exists
244 * (to prevent duplicates). At the moment, one is inserted regardless!!!
245 * This is absolutely neccesary due to their usage by exceptions.
246 * WARNING::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
249 * The current DOMXML extension allows multiple attributes of the same name
250 * to be inserted (not good). It's namespace functions don't allow a
251 * [non-default] namespace declaration to be inserted without changing the
252 * prefix of the tag in context - so we're forced to use the dubious
253 * "set_attribute()" method instead.
254 *
255 * @param mixed starting data
256 * @param integer how to use the staring data
257 * @return void
258 * @access public
259 */
260 function AppDoc(&$mxdStarter,$intUse = XAO_DOC_NEW) {
261 $this->DomDoc($mxdStarter,$intUse);
262 // automatically inject the XAO
263 // namespace into the document root
264 /*
265 */
267 if(is_object($this->ndRoot)) {
268 $this->ndRoot->set_attribute(
269 "xmlns:".$this->strXaoNamespacePrefix,
270 $this->
271 idXaoNamespace );
272 }
273 }
275 /**
276 * Insert stylesheet processing instruction
277 *
278 * This processing instruction is used by the transform() method if a
279 * stylesheet URI is not specifically provided to it. This method will
280 * automatically be called in the constructor if the user overrides the
281 * $this->_uriStyleSheet member attribute. It may, however, be called at any
282 * time by the user. Only one xsl stylsheet PI is maintained in the
283 * document. If it was already set at the time of the call to this method,
284 * then the new stylsheet URI will _replace_ the one in the existing PI.
285 *
286 * @param uri path to XSL stylesheet
287 * @param boolean Whether or not to check(parse) the file.
288 * @return bool success
289 * @access public
290 */
291 function &ndSetStylePI($uriStyleSheet,$blnCheck = true) {
292 $this->_TestForConstuctor();
293 if($blnCheck) {
294 if(!file_exists($uriStyleSheet)) {
295 $this->Throw(
296 "ndSetStylePI: The stylsheet you specified: <strong>"
297 .$uriStyleSheet."</strong> does not exist. Set local file "
298 ."checking (parsing) to false in the second argument of "
299 ."DomDoc::ndSetStylePI() if the file exists remotely or "
300 ."you want to override checking.",
301 $this->arrSetErrFnc(__FUNCTION__,__LINE__),
302 true
303 );
304 return false;
305 }
306 }
307 $this->_uriStyleSheet = $uriStyleSheet;
308 $strPiCont = ' type="text/xsl" href="'.$this->_uriStyleSheet.'"';
309 $strPiTarget = 'xml-stylesheet';
310 $piStyle = $this->objDoc->create_processing_instruction(
311 $strPiTarget, $strPiCont
312 );
313 $this->_uriStyleSheet = str_replace("\\","/",$this->_uriStyleSheet);
314 if(!is_object($piStyle)) {
315 $this->Throw(
316 "ndSetStylePI: Unable to create processing instruction using "
317 ."target of ".$strPiTarget." and content of ".$strPiCont,
318 $this->arrSetErrFnc(__FUNCTION__,__LINE__),true
319 );
320 return false;
321 }
322 else{
323 // if one exists, replace it
324 if(is_object($this->ndStylePi)) {
325 $this->ndStylePi->replace_node($piStyle);
326 }
327 // otherwise create it
328 else {
329 $this->ndStylePi = $this->objDoc->insert_before(
330 $piStyle, $this->
331 ndRoot );
332 }
333 }
334 if(is_object($this->ndStylePi)) {
335 return $this->ndStylePi;
336 }
337 else {
338 return false;
339 }
340 }
342 /**
343 * Get the absolute system location of the internal error stylsheet.
344 *
345 * This method is needed to enforce a location that is relative to
346 * XAO_AppDoc.php and not the last file in the call stack. See notes on
347 * $this->SetInternalErrorStyle();
348 *
349 * @return uri Absolute path to internal error stylsheet.
350 * @access public
351 */
352 function uriGetInternalErrorStyle() {
353 $this->_TestForConstuctor();
354 return dirname(__FILE__)."/".$this->_uriXaoErrorStyle;
355 }
357 /**
358 * Set the name of the internal error stylsheet using in debug mode
359 *
360 * This shouldn't need to be changed. However, if it is not appropriate
361 * for your circumstances, you may change it. Bear in mind that the uri
362 * must be specified as a relative path to the physical location of the
363 * xao DomDoc.php file.
364 *
365 * @param uri Relative path to internal error stylesheet
366 * @return void
367 * @access public
368 */
369 function SetInternalErrorStyle($uri) {
370 $this->_uriXaoErrorStyle = $uri;
371 }
374 /**
375 * Prepares $this->strAltPayload with XSLT transformation result data
376 *
377 * This function is usually called just prior to $this->Send()
378 * It is used when XSLT tranformations are required. It short-circuits the
379 * behaviour of $this->Send by populating $this->strAltPayload the results
380 * of the transformation. Note that this method requires a cirtain amount of
381 * preparation work by the user - ie. a stylsheet must be set using
382 * $this->ndSetStylePi()
383 *
384 * @return void
385 * @access public
386 */
387 function Transform($arrCacheParams = null) {
388 $arrCacheParams = array();
389 $this->_TestForConstuctor();
390 // $this->strAltPayload is not modified
391 // if the browser is to transform the
392 // contents of $this->objDoc
393 if(!$this->blnClientSideTransform) {
395 // Associate a new transformer
396 $objXT =& new Transformer($this->objDoc,$this->_uriStyleSheet);
397 // pass on transform properties
398 $objXT->strXsltProcessor = $this->strXsltProcessor;
399 $objXT->strXaoNamespacePrefix = $this->strXaoNamespacePrefix;
400 $objXT->arrCacheParams = $this->arrXsltCacheParams;
401 $objXT->arrXslParams = $this->arrXslParams;
402 if(count($arrCacheParams)) $objXT->arrCacheParams = $arrCacheParams;
404 // set up namespaces in stylsheet
405 /*
406 can't do namespaces because there is no way to detect if a
407 namespace declaration exists (to prevent duplicates)
408 WARNING:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
411 THAT MATCH ANY XAO STUFF LIKE xao:exceptions).
412 */
414 /*
415 if(isset($objXT->ndStyleRoot)) {
416 if(is_object($objXT->ndStyleRoot)) {
417 var_dump($objXT->ndStyleRoot->attributes());
418 die();
419 if(
420 // to do: This detection does not work.
421 !$objXT->ndStyleRoot->has_attribute(
422 "xmlns:".$this->strXaoNamespacePrefix
423 )
424 ) {
425 //var_dump($objXT->objStyle->dump_node($objXT->ndStyleRoot));
426 //die("<br />We did not detect the namespace.");
427 $objXT->ndStyleRoot->set_attribute(
428 "xmlns:".$this->strXaoNamespacePrefix,
429 $this->idXaoNamespace
430 );
431 }
432 }
433 }
434 */
435 // See if there were any problems
436 // reported by the Transfromer instance
437 if(strlen($objXT->strError)) {
438 $this->Throw(
439 $objXT->strError,
440 $this->arrSetErrFnc(__FUNCTION__,__LINE__)
441 );
442 }
443 else {
444 // perform the actual transformation and
445 // pass the results to
446 // $this->strAltPayload
447 if($objXT->Transform()) {
448 $this->strAltPayload = $objXT->strXsltResult;
449 if($this->blnDebug) {
450 global $_GET
451 if(isset($_GET["xao:XSL"])) {
452 $this->strAltPayload =
453 $objXT->objStyle->dump_mem(true);
454 }
455 }
456 }
457 else {
458 $this->Throw(
459 $objXT->strError,
460 $this->arrSetErrFnc(__FUNCTION__,__LINE__)
461 );
462 }
463 }
464 }
465 }
468 /**
469 * Send the serialised XML content of this object to the client
470 *
471 * This function will emit the contents of this XML document as a string to
472 * the user-agent. It checks to see if the option was set to bind the error
473 * data [built up from usage of $this->Throw()] to the content. It also
474 * signals the user agent to expect text in XML format.
475 * When XAO is used as a framework, then some sort of send
476 *
477 * @param string alternate payload which will be sent
478 * @access public
479 */
480 function Send($strAlt = "") {
482 $this->_TestForConstuctor();
483 // This method may well be the last one
484 // that is called by the host PHP script
485 // in which case, try and collect all
486 // user errors.
487 $this->_TrapErrors();
489 if(strlen($strAlt)) $this->strAltPayload = $strAlt;
490 // If this object is running in debug
491 // mode, then special XAO URL directives
492 // can be acted on.
493 if($this->blnDebug) {
494 global $_GET
495 // this debug directive causes a source
496 // dump of the XML content regardless of
497 // any alternate payload.
498 if(isset($_GET["xao:XML"])) {
499 //$this->strAltPayload = $this->xmlGetDoc();
500 header("Content-Type: text/plain");
501 die($this->xmlGetDoc());
502 }
503 elseif(isset($_GET["xao:Text"])) {
504 $this->strForceContentType = "text/plain";
505 }
506 }
508 if(strlen($this->strAltPayload)) {
509 if(strlen($this->strForceContentType))
510 header("Content-Type: ".$this->strForceContentType);
511 elseif(substr($this->strAltPayload,1,4) == "?xml")
512 header("Content-Type: text/xml");
513 echo $this->strAltPayload;
514 }
515 else {
516 if(strlen($this->strForceContentType))
517 header("Content-Type: ".$this->strForceContentType);
518 else
519 header("Content-Type: text/xml");
520 echo $this->xmlGetDoc();
521 }
522 }
524 /**
525 * Return data that would be destined for the client (in current state)
526 *
527 * This function is specific to AppDoc and not DomDoc because of the
528 * strAltPayload member attribute. This function can be used by the
529 * RpcController class if the user bases their request class on AppDoc. For
530 * instnace, they may want to take advantage of AppDoc's transform
531 * capabilities to convernt proprietary content into another format such
532 * as RSS.
533 *
534 * @return string
535 * @access public
536 */
537 function strGetPayload() {
538 if(strlen($this->strAltPayload) return $this->strAltPayload;
539 return $this->xmlGetDoc();
540 }
542 /**
543 * Wrapper for parent::throw() function adding ability to abort script
544 *
545 * This function basically calls the parent function of the same name but
546 * also allows the caller to optionally abort the script if the last
547 * argument is set to true.
548 *
549 * @param string Main error message
550 * @param array A hash of name/vals which will be attributes in the
551 * exception tag
552 * @access public
553 */
554 function Throw($strErrMsg,$arrAttribs = null,$blnDie = false) {
555 if(is_null($arrAttribs)) $arrAttribs = array();
556 parent::Throw($strErrMsg,$arrAttribs);
557 if($blnDie) die("<br />\n".$this->strError.$this->strDebugData);
558 }
560 /**
561 * Try to trap any user-triggered errors for handling by DomDoc::throw
562 *
563 * This function is a partial solution for general PHP error handling based
564 * on PHP's own error management capabilities. Unfortunately, PHP will only
565 * allow your error handling call-back function to process what it calls
566 * "USER" errors - errors that are triggered using the trigger_error() or
567 * user_error() functions. PHP does not let you manage PHP generated errors.
568 * Furthermore, this function is only useful when people use XAO in framework
569 * mode and neccesarily name their Application document object $objAppDoc
570 *
571 * @access private
572 */
573 function _TrapErrors() {
574 // this method is only useful if you
575 // name your Application document object
576 // $objAppDoc
577 global $objAppDoc
578 // custom error handler cannot be set
579 // from within an object. It also needs
580 // the handler to be a router to the
581 // application object (if found in the
582 // global scope).
583 if(is_object($objAppDoc)) {
584 set_error_handler("ErrorRouter");
585 }
586 }
587 } // END CLASS
590 /**
591 * Custom error handler function
592 *
593 * Normally everything in XAO adheres strictly to being coded as object oriented,
594 * however, since that's not how PHP was designed, exceptions have to be made.
595 * The following function is referred to by the AppDoc::_TrapErrors() method
596 * as specified by the set_error_handler("ErrorRouter") function. The call-back
597 * specified in set_error_handler() is not able to exist inside a class
598 * definition if it is to work as intended with PHPs custom error handling. It
599 * is only effective if the user instantiates $objAppDoc as part of a
600 * conventional XAO methodology.
601 *
602 * @param string error code
603 * @param string error message
604 * @param string error location of context script
605 * @param integer line number of context script
606 * @param array any arguments involved in an errored function
607 * @access private
608 */
609 function ErrorRouter($strErrCode, $strErrMsg, $uriContext, $intLine, $mxdArgs) {
610 // This is the sort of nonsense required
611 // by a non-oo approach.
612 global $objAppDoc
614 $arrAttribs = array(
615 "code" => $strErrCode,
616 "file" => $uriContext,
617 "line" => $intLine,
618 "context" => implode(",",$mxdArgs)
619 );
620 // ATM, error reports require an XML
621 // aware user-agent.
622 $objAppDoc->Throw($strErrMsg,$arrAttribs);
623 }
624 ?>

Documentation generated on Tue, 23 Sep 2003 18:33:53 +1000 by phpDocumentor 1.2.2